Head over to Outreach Canada to watch a low res version of the documentary I helped make this summer. It's all about Isadore Charters (AKA Yummo), an amazing First Nations artist that experienced the horrors of residential schools over 50 years ago. Footage of Isadore was filmed by Gary Penner as he explored the places where he was abused in order to find healing and move forward with things he's bottled up his whole life.
My wife and I filmed the rest of the documentary and put it together over the summer. It was an incredible experience, as heart wrenching as it was to work on it. Yummo is now on the road to healing and is touring with Don Klaassen to spread the word and help others that need healing for any pain in their past. http://en.outreach.ca/Resources/Yummo/tabid/2557/ArticleId/9024/Watch-Yummo-Comes-Home.aspx