This post is for my old student Iain!
I took notes while Lindsay Adler was on Creative Live, and tried out my own texture wrap, click below the to see the steps!
Create a map of the face
-command click on the RGB layer channels in photoshop
-makes a selection
-hit layer mask button in the bottom of the channels layer
-create an alpha 1 layer
-hit duplicate channel (flyout menu in the top of the bar)
-save that file, new, new document
-change the image-mode of the face to grayscale
-blur out your picture a little bit
-filter-blur-guassian-2 pixels
-go to levels and add contrast to the photo to make it more contrasty
-save the image as a PSD
Open up a texture
-make sure texture is EXACTLY the same size as your original photo
-filter-distort-displace, try these numbers as a default: 10 and -10
-where is the map from-pick the displacement map .psd
-flatten the image
Grab the original photo of the headshot
-drag the texture photo and hold the shift key when putting it on top of the face image
-change the blend mode of the texture and see which works best, takes some experimentation!